
Quickreport pdf export
Quickreport pdf export

quickreport pdf export

+ Added TfrxTableCell.OnBeforePrint/OnAfterPrint/OnAfterData script events for static table object + Added printing of translucent mask emulation via dither algorithm for printers without alpha blend support(May not support all printers) + Added hash calculation for pictures used in a report to export filters (ExportFilter.CalculatePictureHash property) and prepared report() + Added new ShiftMode - smPartMaxHeight stretches every part of split object to maximum height of a band part and correct every part height. Fixed genaration of Unicode names for objects when Drag&Drop form DataTree Fixed destroy of CodeCompletion thread when user scripts assign to Fixed bug with the report designer component editors when editors has same property names with different flags(paMultiSelect) Fixed TfrxDesignerForm.GetCurrentForm (TFrame support added) + Added fast adding of selected text in syntax memo to watches list from the context menu + Added Step over and StepReturn debug modes + Added fast comments in syntax memo editor for selected text (Default hotkey is Ctrl + /) + Added new hints to the reports designer which shows the full text of the Memo object + Added support of '*' mask in server IP lists Fixed Unicode namas in GDrive transport

quickreport pdf export

Fixed TfrxPDFObject for 64bit in the IDE Fixed bug with Datamatrix barcade with ACSII codepage Fixed issue when does not load file correctly under Rad Studio 11.2 Fixed overflow error when test size of types in HTMLView stream + Added support for the dominant-baseline attribute and the pattern element Disable AutoSize for descriptions functions in functions-tree due to Lazarus internal bug

quickreport pdf export

+ Added implementation of TfrxDateEditControl Fixed Cc and Bcc fileds in the SMTP mail sender Fixed bug in xls(biff8) export under 圆4 platform Fixed font size in HTMLTags in XLSX export Fixed issue when pictures may disappear during PDF export in multi-thread GUI application Fixed bug when PDFView draws dash line with wrong scale on metafile in PDF export vector output + Added ability to customize sheet names in excel exports (frxBIFFExport, frxXMLExport, frxXLSXExport) Fixed supreport X position when keep mechanism uses inside it + Added a new class for signing an arbitrary file with an attached or detached signature.

Quickreport pdf export