Aloy can use the Shieldwing in Horizon Forbidden West to glide down, then reveal a climbing point using the Pullcaster. To start chasing down HEPHAESTUS, players can climb up the nearby vent and head through the triangular opening at the other end of the platform. Once the two machines are defeated, Aloy will need to go deeper into Cauldron GEMINI to track down and contain HEPHAESTUS.

Using Focus, Aloy can highlight the detachable parts on each machine, including a cannon on the Ravager that can be torn off and used in the fight. As soon as the cutscene ends, Aloy will need to defeat a Behemoth and a Ravager, both of which are weak against Acid damage. The initial cutscene inside Horizon Forbidden West's Cauldron GEMINI shows Aloy attempting to install GAIA, but HEPHAESTUS enables the defense systems and sends machines to attack the group. When players are ready, they can begin the quest " Gemini" by speaking to GAIA, then a cutscene will play with Aloy, Beta, and Varl inside Cauldron GEMINI. Many of the enemies Aloy will face inside Cauldron GEMINI, including the boss, are weak against Acid or Purgewater damage. There are a lot of machines to fight in Cauldron GEMINI, so players should make sure they're well-equipped before entering. Related: Horizon Forbidden West: Cauldron IOTA WalkthroughĬauldron GEMINI is located west of Scalding Spear, but the quest can be started by speaking to GAIA. Since Cauldron GEMINI is tied to the main story, players will need to start the quest in order to access it. Cauldron KAPPA is the only one with a higher level recommendation of level 40. Cauldron GEMINI has a recommended level of 30, which is the same level as Cauldron CHI in Horizon Forbidden West. Each of the six Cauldrons in Horizon Forbidden West has some enemy encounters, a few platforming challenges, and a boss fight at the end.